I want to leave my current job!
We get asked this all the time. “how do I go about searching for a job, when I have one already?”This week, I spoke with a couple of candidates who approached me confidentially to discuss a possible career move. Note – I said “career move” vs “job”. So many people go through life dissatisfied with their careers and don’t do anything about it! When approaching a professional recruiter, they(the recruiter) will want to know where you are in the thought process. I usually ask people – on a scale of 1 – 6 ( six meaning you will leave any moment) where are you in the process of leaving your current employer. This crystalizes your time frame for making a dcision and that is important – especially to a recruiter who might be working with clients who have immediate or pending needs. Take stock of your career right now. Where are you on that scale of 1- 6? If you are anywhere near a 4 or 5 or 6 then get to work! Start writing down things that are important to you when making a career move. Name the top three things that are important to you so that you don’t get confused when faced with mulitple job offers!